quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2014

Runaway Girls

Goat - Words (Commune, 2014)
The Wytches - Gravedweller (Annabel Dream Reader, 2014)
Loosers - Black Acid (Hot Jesus, 2013)
Electric Wizard - SadioWitch (SadioWitch 7'', 2014)
Uncle Acid and the deadbeats - Runaway Girls (Runaway Girls, 2014)
Wo Fat - The Conjuring (The Conjuring, 2014)
Usa Out of The Vietnam - You Are A Comet, You Are On Fire (Crashing Diseases and Incurable Airplanes, 2014)
Pallbearer - Foundations (Foundations of Burden, 2014)
Stone Dead - Evil Monkey (The Stone John Experience, 2014)
Killimanjaro - Drowned (Hook, 2014)

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